Okay, hold onto your hats, folks, because today, I had a lightning bolt moment! ⚑️Actually, scratch that. It was my Other Half who did – I was too busy daydreaming about my next million-dollar idea (or maybe the hundred other ones).

So, there I was, in full-on chatterbox mode, blabbering about the avalanche of ideas that had poured into my brain today. Honestly, it ranged from selling snazzy coloring books on Amazon to becoming a website-flipping ninja. Over the past months, it felt like my brain had turned into a packed train station during rush hour!

After enduring my 20-minute ‘Eureka!’ monologue (bless him), he just looks at me and says, “Y’know, I blame AI.” Huh? My eyebrows knitted in confusion. I mean, was Skynet finally happening?

He elaborated, “Ever since you’ve been having those heart-to-hearts with Chatty (yep, Chat GPT), and sketching out those ideas on Midjourney, you’ve been on a creative overdrive! It’s like trying to keep up with a squirrel on caffeine.”

And boom! He hit the nail on the head. Every time I float an idea to Chatty (who I’ve affectionately decided is a ‘she’ – don’t @ me), she’s right there, expanding, embellishing, and basically turning it into a grand vision. The idea turnaround time? Faster than you can say, “Whoa!”

Now, while I’m still figuring out how to harness this newfound AI-driven idea spree, one thing’s crystal clear: AI has supercharged my entrepreneurial brain in the wildest ways. And as they say, the future (of ideas) is now! πŸš€πŸ§ πŸ€–

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Last Update: October 23, 2024

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