You know that feeling when you spot a shiny new trend and think, “This is it! My golden ticket!”? That’s me. Every. Single. Time. I dive deep, head-first, into the sea of research, gobbling up Medium articles, watching endless video tutorials, and yes, even splurging on those enticing online courses.

Yet, by the time I’m all set, ready to jump onto that trendy bandwagon, I find it’s not just slowly moving—it’s racing down a hill, with people having a grand ol’ party on board, and I’m panting behind, trying to catch up!

Adding to the drama? The overwhelming feeling that every marketplace I enter is like a packed concert where everyone’s selling the same merchandise. Just when I think I’ve unearthed a niche, a quick search shows me it’s not just occupied; it’s swamped. And the most disheartening part? The race to offer the lowest price. Quality starts looking uniform, and when I spot nearly 500,000 listings for “mockup” on Etsy, with some priced ridiculously low—like 38pence—my head spins. How does that even cover the platform fees?

Take digital notebooks for instance. I was a proud early adopter. When I stepped into that space, there were barely 1000 listings. It felt like a cozy little community. Flash forward, and now there are a staggering 94,000 entries! I remember the golden days when I sold them for £4 apiece, raking in thousands. Now? Someone’s practically giving away a bundle of 100 notebooks for pennies. Mind-boggling, right?

So, here’s the million-pound question: Am I destined to always be one step behind? Or is there a secret shortcut in this frenzied marketplace race? What’s your take?

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Last Update: October 23, 2024